If you're looking for general career coaching, developing a pitch, need creative or strategic help on a script, need consultation on a cut or advice on festival strategies -- we're here to help you at any creative stage. Drawing from two decades of experience above and below-the-line, we happily offer the following consulting services to help you get your short, feature or music video across the finish line, and put yourself in the best position to maximize industry exposure. TO CONTRACT OUR SERVICES, E-MAIL US AT CONSULTING@RETROSPECTERFILMS.COM
We will discuss your project, your career path or your filmmaking needs. This can involve anything from creative feedback, choosing the right project to focus on, casting, crewing up, financing, or strategies to secure industry representation.
$200 (includes review of materials up to 30 pages and a 1 hour zoom or phone call)
We will review your screenplay and work through issues of story, style and theme. We can also help hone a logline, synopsis and additional pitch materials.
$250 (includes review of materials up to 120 pages and a 1 hour zoom or phone call)
$500 (includes review of materials up to 120 pages and three 1 hour zoom or phone calls + review of rewrites and edits)
We will provide detailed written feedback on plot, character, theme, and story engine as well as proofread materials and provide suggestions for cuts and punch-ups.
$300 (includes detailed notes, proofing, edits or punch-ups on materials up to 60 pages)
$500 (includes detailed notes, proofing, edits or punch-ups on materials up to 120 pages)
We will review your a cut of your short or feature film and advise on strategy for festivals and distribution.
$200 (includes review of materials up to 30 minutes and a 1 hour zoom or phone call)
$600 (includes review of feature materials up to 120 minutes and two 1 hour zoom or phone calls)